There's something unique about Christmas Eve. There's a feeling that can't compare to any other holiday. There is anticipation and joy more tonight than on Christmas Day. I always hope that days like these will last longer than normal days and be filled with a sense of magic. Sometimes the best magic is found not in what others around me are doing but in my thoughts and attitudes. It helps to focus on family, love, Christ and His sacrifice for us, and other people's goodness. I am grateful this Christmas Eve for those blessings in my life and most especially, my family.
I am grateful for Austin being such a good husband to Tikla and future father of Jimmer Fife. He is really perfect for her and is such a good man.
I am so grateful for Tikla. She has been my best friend for all my life. I can and do talk to her about everything. I can't imagine not being with her forever.
I am so grateful for Skylar. He served a wonderful mission in South Africa and there is not one day that I do not talk to him and counsel with him about my life and future. He knows me to the core of my soul. He understands me better than anyone in this world.
I am grateful for Reece. We have grown to love each other more during Skylar's mission and while we were both attending Cedar High School. He is full of energy and is always eager to sing with me. He is open with me about things in his life and is learning to be more respectful and gentle with women in general. He has a good heart and sweet spirit.
I am grateful for JJ. What a silly snuggle guy. I know that he is at an age (15) when it can be hard to stay on the straight and narrow path. He will make the right choices, I am sure of it. Even though he is too smart for his own good, and sneaky at that, he will recognize that the right things are the most important and choose them.
I am grateful for Sterling. He understands my soft subtle nature and validates me when I try to keep things under control. He confides in me about his crush and other school worries. He loves to chat and snuggle and just spend time with me. I love his openness and honesty with me about what I feel and do. He is also a great twin and brother to Starr.
I am so grateful for Starr. She is beautiful inside and out. I only hope that I can do the things I can to be a better example to her. She has done so many great things in her life. I am so proud of her for getting her Young Women's medallion at thirteen! She is a joy and has a strong desire to do good. She is full of energy that she puts to good use by being a great twin to Sterling and by getting the things done that she knows are good. She loves to sing and dance and brings so much energy to our family. I love her so much and always hope I can be there for her.
I love my family so much. They are the best thing I have! I hope that I can learn and strive to deserve them this Christmas. :) Even when life is hard and there are lots of tears, my family is always there to make me feel better. They have supported me during my hard times and I will always be so grateful for that.
Merry Christmas (since it's midnight now) to all of my siblings! I have a feeling it'll be the best one yet. :)