Sunday, December 30, 2012

A tribute to hot cocoa

"Around 2,000 years ago, the Mayans were the first to down a drink made of melted chocolate. Since then, hot chocolate drinks have worked their way up through South and Central America before making their way to Europe thanks to New World settlers. Since it had to be shipped from the Americas, hot chocolate became a luxury item in Europe by the 17th century. There were even “Chocolate Houses,” similar to today’s coffee shops, at which you could buy a cup of this sweet delicacy. Cocoa powder was first mass produced by a Dutch inventor in 1828. This powder could easily be mixed into water and milk. Since then, hot chocolate has grown into an extremely popular beverage worldwide." (

I just figured it was high-time I gave tribute to one of my favorite things in this world: hot cocoa. :)

Sterling and I had a pretty good time ^ looking up different hot cocoa recipes. Our favorite guy, Scott Gottfried, put out a few videos like this one. >

Friday, December 28, 2012


No money.

This is for students who would like to completely withdraw from a semester.
Individual classes may be added or dropped through regular registration processing.
If you are withdrawing for financial reasons, please talk with the Financial Aid office before you make your decision. There may be financial help available to you.
How do they expect anyone to click on that button? It's so definite, final, so irreversible. I have this weakness. It's called second guessing myself anytime I try to make a decision. All I can hope for is that once I do get the nerve to click it, there won't be an additional box asking me, "Are you sure?".

Monday, December 24, 2012

Merry Christmas!

A blanket of snow to keep me cold. :)

What heights of love, what depths of peace 
when fears are stilled, when strivings cease, 
my Comforter, my All in All,
here in the love of Christ I stand. 

Have yourself, a grateful little Christmas...

There's something unique about Christmas Eve. There's a feeling that can't compare to any other holiday. There is anticipation and joy more tonight than on Christmas Day. I always hope that days like these will last longer than normal days and be filled with a sense of magic. Sometimes the best magic is found not in what others around me are doing but in my thoughts and attitudes. It helps to focus on family, love, Christ and His sacrifice for us, and other people's goodness. I am grateful this Christmas Eve for those blessings in my life and most especially, my family.

I am grateful for Austin being such a good husband to Tikla and future father of Jimmer Fife. He is really perfect for her and is such a good man.

I am so grateful for Tikla. She has been my best friend for all my life. I can and do talk to her about everything. I can't imagine not being with her forever.

I am so grateful for Skylar. He served a wonderful mission in South Africa and there is not one day that I do not talk to him and counsel with him about my life and future. He knows me to the core of my soul. He understands me better than anyone in this world.

I am grateful for Reece. We have grown to love each other more during Skylar's mission and while we were both attending Cedar High School. He is full of energy and is always eager to sing with me. He is open with me about things in his life and is learning to be more respectful and gentle with women in general. He has a good heart and sweet spirit.

I am grateful for JJ. What a silly snuggle guy. I know that he is at an age (15) when it can be hard to stay on the straight and narrow path. He will make the right choices, I am sure of it. Even though he is too smart for his own good, and sneaky at that, he will recognize that the right things are the most important and choose them.

I am grateful for Sterling. He understands my soft subtle nature and validates me when I try to keep things under control. He confides in me about his crush and other school worries. He loves to chat and snuggle and just spend time with me. I love his openness and honesty with me about what I feel and do. He is also a great twin and brother to Starr.

I am so grateful for Starr. She is beautiful inside and out. I only hope that I can do the things I can to be a better example to her. She has done so many great things in her life. I am so proud of her for getting her Young Women's medallion at thirteen! She is a joy and has a strong desire to do good. She is full of energy that she puts to good use by being a great twin to Sterling and by getting the things done that she knows are good. She loves to sing and dance and brings so much energy to our family. I love her so much and always hope I can be there for her.

I love my family so much. They are the best thing I have! I hope that I can learn and strive to deserve them this Christmas. :) Even when life is hard and there are lots of tears, my family is always there to make me feel better. They have supported me during my hard times and I will always be so grateful for that.

 Merry Christmas (since it's midnight now) to all of my siblings! I have a feeling it'll be the best one yet. :)

Saturday, December 22, 2012

But not this time!

Close your tired eyes, relax and then
count from 1 to 10 and open them.
All these heavy thoughts will try to weigh you down, but not this time.

Way up in the air, you're finally free, and you can stay up there, right next to me.
All this gravity will try to pull you down, but not this time.

When the sun goes down, and the lights burn out,
Then it's time for you to shine.
Brighter than the shooting star, so shine no matter where you are.
Fill the darkest night, with a brilliant light,
'cause it's time for you to shine.
Brighter than a shooting star, so shine no matter where you are, tonight.

Shooting Star by Owl City on Grooveshark

Thursday, December 20, 2012

New news

I have made the decision to transfer to BYU this winter. I know it's a little last-minute, and even slightly crazy, but it feels like it's the right thing to do. :) Sometimes we're not meant to go or do what we think we should when we think we should. The Lord knows what we need to learn and experience. Every struggle and decision made up to now make sense as I look forward and plan this new adventure in my life. I feel peace and love at this time and know that even though there is much to leave behind, there are even greater things to be discovered yet.

Here is some more great news: my best friend and sister Anitia is going to serve in the Oakland California San Francisco Mission. She leaves on January 30th and is going to be a heartfelt missionary. I have known Anitia since we were both nine and she is full of love, loyalty, testimony, and conscience. I will miss her dearly but I feel strongly that this mission is the best thing she could be doing right now.

My heart is full of gratitude as I reflect on all the tender mercies in my life. I am lucky to know good people who inspire me to be better. I'm giving myself more opportunity to grow and improve. My family is stellar and I never want to take them for granted. Here's to good news!

Thursday, December 13, 2012

There is only one person who could ever make you happy, and that person is you.

Today is a wonderful day.
I have a fresh start, a new life, a new attitude about myself, and the freedom to do the things that I love.
I am Tori Brown. An individual with goals, fears, dreams, expectations, and strength to do the right thing even when it is hard.
There is so much to learn about humility, forgiveness, and love. I want to be better every day. Each step I take will lead me closer to my Father in heaven. I deserve the best the world has to offer, and I will live up to that worth.I am so grateful for the peace I feel tonight as I reflect on my schooling, my circumstances, and my glorious family who love and support me through thick and thin and who all have such amazing ideas and talents and goodness to bring to the table. I love them more than anything. I hope I can be the kind of sister and daughter to them that they have been to me today. I can't contain my joy and gratitude for all things good in this life and the pieces of it I've been able to feel and experience tonight. I am renewed and encircled in the arms of His love.

Everything is going to be beautiful. I am in control of my own happiness and I am choosing today to be the happiest I've ever been. :)